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MMIA creates Homeless Veterans Standdown (HVSD) Kits from donated supplies and we, along with volunteer groups or companies, assemble the kits into backpacks for Veterans living on the street.

Our Executive Director & Founder, Mike Dorman, was once asked, "How do you know what homeless Veterans need"?  To answer that question, Mike spent four days and nights on the streets of Jacksonville, NC. Through this experience, he learned exactly what things he and the homeless Veterans, he spent those days with, needed most. Based on that these are the items we put into our HVSD kits, with plastic baggies being the prime need. These help those living on the streets to keep their belongings dry.

Item Wish Lists

We have an ongoing need to fill our HVSD Kits with hygiene items, clothing, and snacks that our homeless Veterans need.

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If you select MMIA as your charity of choice, whenever you shop at they will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases back to us. It's a simple way to help our mission at zero cost to you!

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